Sunday, June 22, 2008

Thirst-day..hehe Thursday!4th day maa..

Uwaaa…m0st tired day s0 far…uwaaaa =( 0key..u see guys..i’ve jes finished my finals b0ut 2 weeks..n dis week f0r science c0mm..i’ve t0 d0 d micr0pr0cess0r stuffs!!!supp0sed t0 be enj0yful+relax sem hu hu..=P but d s0ftware dat we’re using f0r 0ur pr0gramming sessi0n wif :mr saiful: is m0re attractive than wut I used f0r micropr0cess0r c0urse.hehe!it’s graphical..we d0n’t hav t0 d0 d length w0rdy pr0gram guys..jes d fl0wchart!it’s called C0RECHART.

We d0 quite numbers 0f simple pr0blems..but it was challenging als0 bc0z n0t every0ne in d gr0up has d backgr0und in dis EE stuffs..yaa even there’s s0me 0f them d0nt even kn0w wut is LED…alrite..d0nt under estimate pe0ple..we are n0t in d same pr0gram rite..haha may b we are m0re blurr if talking b0ut their stuffs.hihihi!s0..we hav t0 be really patient t0 let everyb0dy inv0lved in d sessi0n.they might easily get b0red n it takes time t0 understand even f0r th0se wh0 have EE bakgr0und since it’s a new thing.

Dis sessi0n actually a preparati0n f0r us t0 acc0mplished d missi0n..hehe t0 pr0ve dat UTPian can create@inn0vate a pr0duct t0 0verc0me d energy matter.hehe 0ur mini pr0ject will be displayed in d Petr0sains.huhu!g0nna b great!

S0 here we g0!sacrificing the h0lidays wif kind 0f lecture stuffs!haha!

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