Sunday, June 22, 2008

5th day..still 2nd week…

h0nestly..t0day is d m0st BORING n STRESSED day.i think all 0f us ‘hate’ t0day activity.n0 cheer,n0t much laugh n smile even am0ng us f0r t0day.everyb0dy is stress as we hav t0 think again b0ut 0ur pr0ject.m0st 0f d gr0up hav quarrel n misunderst0od am0ng d gr0up was really really hard.we hav t0 c0mplete d pr0ject by Wednesday.we were given high expectati0n by d c0ordinat0r t0 c0me 0ut wif 0utstanding’s hard.wif limit time c0nstraint,budget,expert..n u kn0w rite..n0t all 0f us has same engineering backgr0und.d pr0jects are expected t0 relate wif pr0gramming..=[ we were 0nly exp0sed b0ut it f0r 2 days n n0w we’ve t0 struggle f0r it.n0t everyb0dy like it n f0r EE students..we hav t0 face d gr0up members wh0 are n0t at all interested with pr0gramming,n EE stuffs.f0r mech students..n0t everyb0dy like machine..

everything seems n0t t0 b right t0day.even simple thing can bring t0 misunderst0od..simple j0kes can hurt 0ther pe0ple.everyb0dy stress..bad day..

4th day!!!week..?2nd la!!hehe

bf0re went t0 p0lice stati0n t0 l0dge rp0rt f0r d l0st..hehe I attend d sessi0n wif :mrs jin: in envir0nment awareness sessi0n.we were given a white t-shirt 0ne each..n we hav t0 dsign anything t0 pr0m0te t0 d w0ld h0w we can save d Earth!

We can use water c0l0ur,c0tt0n marker pen,glitter..hehe felt like kindergarten kids!!my tshirt design is..fr0nt,,I wr0te kind 0f lyric..

Hey hey y0u y0u!
Save d earth my dear fren!
N0 way n0 way 0pen burning..rubbish everywhere!
Hey hey y0u y0u!
Lets stand t0gether!
Make d Earth SMILE n0t CRY

N at d back

N signature s0me 0f my frens..=D

Hehe there were 4 winners!

KK-there’s a w0rld map..bf0re d map is full n l0ok beautiful but after which will happen if we d Earth is n0t well care by d pe0ple..s0me 0f d part might disappeared.=(

Asma-a picture 0f Earth n s0me stick pictures 0f kids writer ‘we d0 n0t inherit d Earth fr0m d ancesst0r,we b0rr0w it fr0m d children’.very meaningful..i l0ve it!

Bibi-written ‘aku bukan pengkhianat alam sekitar’ meaning ‘I’m n0t a nature betrayer’.very 0utsp0ken!

Al-f0uti as d 0ne n 0nly guy!haha but I d0nt have chance t0 see his dsign as I went 0ut.

After lunch..we hav a sessi0n wif :mrs suya: Busking sessi0n.d0 u kn0w what is busking??a simple science minish0w especially f0r d kids,students.we hav t0 practice 0ur presentati0n skill,using good b0dy language n brief explainati0n wif suitable term.we were given tw0 stuffs..different f0r each gr0up.there were flags,t0y hand clapper,marbles,ball0ons,gl0w in d dark t0y,ISS n space ship m0del.

I really admired wif d gr0up wh0 busking b0ut mables n ball0ons.they explained n0t 0nly b0ut d materials but als0 in industry n c0nstructi0n applicati0n b0ut th0se stuffs.f0r example marbles,basically we 0nly th0ught it can 0nly be used f0r games..but actually d applicati0n which it can r0tate..we can applied it f0r shear.f0r example at sky d end 0f it,there are shear where t0 av0id d building crack if d bridge c0llide d building during d building sway bc0z 0f wind. they are really creative n alert n critical thinker even th0se stuffs lo0k very simple n easy. I sh0uld built th0se minded. thanks guys!!

3rd day 2nd week!!!

0il n gas sessi0n???emm dis must b s0mething seri0us guys…

d fes thing captured by me n s0me 0f my fren rect0r ke??hahaha!0ur speaker:mr yuzaimee: l0oks similar t0 0ur bl0ved rect0r!his l0ok,d way he walk..really l0ok like :dr zainal: hehe but 0f c0urse..0ur rect0r m0re relax n c0ol guy..

:mr yuzaimee: shared a l0t b0ut his useful experience in petr0leum:h0w w0rk 0ffsh0re,0nsh0re…yupp it’s l0oks scary t0 me when heard he said dat d petr0leum areas are usually at 70m sea level n even 500m!!!!frankly speaking..i’m ph0bia wif sea..i d0nt kn0w why..especially when see d ptetr0leum area..d sea is dark rite…eiii…

0key let me share wif u..if we gain 0ffsh0re petr0leum..30% is water!if we d0 d drilling..d tube will b in sequence fr0m big n smaller n smaller until it reach d 0il.initially,we put d big tube n cement d 0utside area 0f d tube,then we put smaller tube thr0ugh it..we cement it..n put smaller tube..n s0 0n.d reas0n why we d0 d cementing is t0 make sure kind 0f land slide happen.

2nd day..2nd week maa!

Uwaaa I’ve l0st my card h0lder!all my cards;IC,ATM card n drving lisence!ad0ih.. =( it’s very danger0us..s0me m0re I’ve l0st them in KLCC.pe0ple might sell d IC 0r use my ATM card.i’ve t0 b m0re careful.

0kie d0kie..this m0rning we went t0 Forest Institute 0f Malaysia (FRIM).we went f0r jungle trekking.we gathered at KLCC earlier t0day..which supp0sed t0 b 7.45 hahaha but…m0st 0f us 0nly arrived ar0und 8.15..aiy0..but n0t me n s0me 0f the girls n d 2 camb0dian guys..we’re early bird maa..arrived ar0und 7.50am..hehe.

I’m n0t feeling very well at d beginning..may b bc0z I’m n0t used wif bus c0nditi0n..i felt dizzy.haha in is n0t just d f0rest n 0ffices..but there are als0 sch0ols n residential area!we gathered first while waiting f0r 0ur instruct0r..:mr azmi:

Hehe he’s a nice guy!!very funny,inf0rmative n frenly.he was an acc0untant but bc0z he l0ve dis field..he further study n bc0me ‘f0rest man’.hehe.0ne imp0rtant tip dat he t0ld us while we’re in d f0rest..d0nt take picture unless he ready..hahaha!aiya..f0r sure he will b d m0st glam0ur instuct0r as he’s there f0r every picture.=P

W0w amazing..we saw many type 0f fl0ra:kacip fatimah,t0ngkat ali,0ne 0f the biggest bamb0o in w0rld,tree which its rubber used t0 make bubble gum..n many m0re.we als0 experienced walking 0n d can0py..hehe great!we can even saw KLCC n KL t0wer fr0m up there!even it was very very very tiring..but after we saw all th0se amazing n w0nderful fl0ra n scenery..we can see smile 0n everyb0dy’s face =D

We dismissed early t0day..yuhuuu!!!ar0und 4pm…hahahah yipeee!!j0m balik tid0!

It’s m0nday again!!!

I c0uldn’t slept very well bc0z there’s a l0t 0f m0squit0es in d z0ne!uwaaa…!0key..hehe n0 green shirt’s f0rmal shirt!we hav a l0t 0f excitement t0day!we d0 batik canting!!!!!!such a w0nderful experience wif :pn.ayu:!I think it was d first time f0r m0st 0f us!yeah we did d design..hehe jes c0py fr0m d example..then waxing,c0l0uring,drying n framing.great!hahhahaha we can see a l0t 0f c0l0urful dsign!I ch0se butterfly..=) hehe I’m butterflyh0lic actually..=D kui3.hahaha even I’m sure there’s n0 0ne want t0 buy my batik..=P n even d guys kept making j0king wif me..they said I’m sl0w,n0t creative..daa talk t0 d hand!haha it was great!we hav a l0t 0f fun!well…d greatest was..we save d budget f0r lunch!haha!there was ‘makan percuma’!haha!

N lastly we hav a talk b0ut d art 0f prsentati0n.d speaker is actually was a physic teacher!huhu n n0w :pn n0raini: bc0me specialist b0ut prsentati0n.learnt a l0t fr0m her 0n h0w t0 present interactively+interestingly.=D

Final day f0r fes week!

Huhu pr0gramming again??hehe but t0day was n0t as much as yesterday =P.we discussed 0n h0w t0 0verc0me energy pr0blem and each gr0up came 0ut wif their 0wn gr0up did d pr0gramming f0r magnetic encl0sure f0r rain water has t0 cl0se aut0matically when the water level is max.

Huhu it’s Friday!n0thing’s just dat we hav t0 gather at 2.30pm..hehe 30 minutes extra than usual.hahaha I was late!there were als0 s0me 0f them late als0.s0 there was a punishment fr0m kak intan.0ur facilitat0r.huhuhu d great thing f0r t0day sessi0n is..there’s a hi-tea sessi0n.yeah free f0od&drink!haha!’s a farewell party f0r hands0me+c0ol+smart American guy..:mr jami: hehe.he will g0 ‘balik kmpung’ f0r 3 weeks bc0z his m0ther will have knee 0perati0n.s0..s0b2 =’( we’re n0t g0ing t0 meet him again..hehe but it’s 0key bc0z :mr jami: already achieved his g0al which was…he wished t0 rmember 0ur name!he alm0st did it!!hehe!n 0ur punishment was..t0 d0 perf0rmance f0r d farewell..=p hehe we did ‘kunji2 chacha’!bsides farewell f0r :mr jami:,,we als0 clbrated :Q & Afthab: birthday!!!!b0th 0f tem turned 0n 23 0n 10th june..hehe getting 0lder aa th0se baia!

Thirst-day..hehe Thursday!4th day maa..

Uwaaa…m0st tired day s0 far…uwaaaa =( 0key..u see guys..i’ve jes finished my finals b0ut 2 weeks..n dis week f0r science c0mm..i’ve t0 d0 d micr0pr0cess0r stuffs!!!supp0sed t0 be enj0yful+relax sem hu hu..=P but d s0ftware dat we’re using f0r 0ur pr0gramming sessi0n wif :mr saiful: is m0re attractive than wut I used f0r micropr0cess0r c0urse.hehe!it’s graphical..we d0n’t hav t0 d0 d length w0rdy pr0gram guys..jes d fl0wchart!it’s called C0RECHART.

We d0 quite numbers 0f simple pr0blems..but it was challenging als0 bc0z n0t every0ne in d gr0up has d backgr0und in dis EE stuffs..yaa even there’s s0me 0f them d0nt even kn0w wut is LED…alrite..d0nt under estimate pe0ple..we are n0t in d same pr0gram rite..haha may b we are m0re blurr if talking b0ut their stuffs.hihihi!s0..we hav t0 be really patient t0 let everyb0dy inv0lved in d sessi0n.they might easily get b0red n it takes time t0 understand even f0r th0se wh0 have EE bakgr0und since it’s a new thing.

Dis sessi0n actually a preparati0n f0r us t0 acc0mplished d missi0n..hehe t0 pr0ve dat UTPian can create@inn0vate a pr0duct t0 0verc0me d energy matter.hehe 0ur mini pr0ject will be displayed in d Petr0sains.huhu!g0nna b great!

S0 here we g0!sacrificing the h0lidays wif kind 0f lecture stuffs!haha!

3rd tireedd day..hihi still smiling!!

A l0t 0f talks t0day!!!!marketing talk..0perati0nal talk..chem. talk..waaa!

Hehe dat was just my 0pini0n when I read the schedule ysrterday =P.

Fes talk!!:the speakers are :mrs faridah: she’s d b0ss f0r special pr0ject n :mr.fedrick: d b0ss f0r advertisement&pr0m0ti0n.quite interesting actually.they are very creative in making petr0sains as d must-g0 place n0t 0nly f0r d l0cal but als0 d t0urist.n d marketing strategy is als0 t0 make the visit0rs t0 c0me again n again!even dis is n0n-pr0fit business.. but behind dat they are trying their bes t0 give inf0rmal learning t0 all walk 0f life b0ut science!!!!great!!!

Sec0nd sessi0n wif :mrs rieza:!!!!!dis was fun!!!!!!!!!we share a l0t 0f thing!even the t0pic is like blurr at fes..0perati0nal talk..but she really kn0w h0w t0 present it in a very very very interesting&interactive!it’s b0ut h0w t0 treat ur cust0mer.hey guys!u sh0uld j0in us!hehe =P there’s a qu0te “a pers0n wh0 are listening t0 us d0 n0t resp0nd t0 wut we’re talking b0ut,they resp0nd t0 H0W we talked b0ut it”.c0ol!!!

Wut??chemistry???is it 0rganic chem. Talk???hehehhe :mr azhar: attract us 0n wut are d examples 0f chemical T0YS!!!yipeee!!we g0t a l0t free gifts&minish0w!we g0t ball00ns,light stick,tissue fl0wer =D.creative!attractive!n 0f c0urse..anything will be harmful if we d0 n0t handle wif care.nway thanx sir!!!

D greatest thing we did t0day guys!!!!!!!!!we went t0 the SKYBRIDGE!!!!!!!!!!!b4 t0ok d lift,,we had it is 0n d 41st flo0r!!!!!!!!n it just take 1 sec0nd each flo0r!!!!w0w!amazing t0 view KL fr0m dat high!dat was my fes time!we’re given 10 minutes t0 spend time there.n we’re like celebrities..p0sed here n there..n d bes sh0t was..d gr0up picture!!!yeay!!!we to0k picture t0gether..all 30 0f us!

Hihihi..even it was tiring day..we n0t missed an 0rchestra by Malaysian Philharm0nic 0rchestra!.again!it was my fes time dude!’s amazing inside it.there were 3 perf0rmance..n d bes thing..d ticket 0nly rm10 maa!!!!!n we sat 0n fes 3rd r0w..huhuhuuhu!great guys!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

2nd tired day =) hehe smile!

Hehe t0day n0 elegant f0rmal’s green t0day!!yeah green striking t-shirt..hehe we were like a family 0f shrek!haha said 0ne 0f my fren :syifa: =D.but I think green is alrite..cheer!but still black slack+black c0vered sh0es…wawawa bef0re went back t0 the d z0ne..i changed t0 slipar..=P

Weee~~ a l0t 0f fun t0day!!!fes assignment in the m0rning wif 0ur l0vely :miss Suya: t0ur ar0und ptr0sains again!but t0day we g0t assignmnent..huhu n0t dat t0ugh as wut 0ur lctrer gave..haha.we have t0 ch0ose 3 stati0n in d ptr0sains and answer several questi0ns.yupp it’s exciting!but g0t n0t en0ugh time t0 expl0re th0se facts and minish0ws..huhuhu yaa we 0nly hav 2 h0urs!it’s 0key..we’re g0ing t0 spend an0ther 2 weeks here =D

Then..a sessi0n wif hands0me+smart+c0ol American guy.guess wh0!yeah :mr jami:!!!hehe =D we hav 2 create 0ur 0wn science minish0w.jes a simple 0ne!every gr0up came 0ut wif interesting&different minish0w.haha g0od bc0z I f0rg0t a l0t 0f dat simple basic science thing.hehehe =P.n u kn0w wut..everyb0dy..they really appreciate wuteva we presented..especially :mr jami: and all the staffs wh0 j0ined dat sessi0n.n n0t t0 f0rget..d participants!!!!f0r’s really c0ol..giv us m0tivati0n.=D

New her0 0f the day :mr Daniel: =) he asked us t0 d0 s0mething wit0ut talking!there will be a penalty if we talk! a structure dat can fit 0ne 0f the gr0up members..hehe n0t using straws guys..=P we used r0ll 0f papers n masking tape.we hav t0 use all 30 r0lls!hahahhaa l0t 0f designs..n 0ur gr0up design..hihihi later I sh0w u d pic 0key!nway..we n0t w0n..(hahaha p0sitive way t0 say we l0st).0ur masking tape finished!n we still n0t finished d0 d base 0f it!uwaaaaaaa =(.hehe nway..we learnt dat c0mmunicati0n is very imp0rtant n 0f c0urse..gud teamw0rk..!thanx :mr Daniel:!

N d las pr0gram 0f d day..d 0ne wh0 rich wif smile:mr faiz: asked us t0 create a pr0duct if in case 0ur c0untry 0ut 0f energy!!!yupp!I learnt a l0t fr0m d seni0rs in d gr0up.they kn0w a l0t 0f thing,creative!!yaa…d great p0int I grab t0day…d0 a l0t 0f reading starting fr0m n0w melissa!!!!!

Hehehe thanks a l0t f0r view my bl0g..h0pe u learn s0mething as wut I’ve learnt f0r d day.hehehe smile!!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

assalamualaikum n hye every0ne!!!
haha fes time bl0gging maa..thanx t0 mr faiz!if n0t him asked us t0 d0 dis bl0gging thing..haha i think i will never kn0w even t0 create an acc0unt.wawawa shame 0n me rite..buta IT =P

it's 0ur fes day f0r dis pr0gram!!!hey hey's m0nday!m0nday maniac!huhu!0key u guys wh0 g0t n0 dis great chance t0 see me t0day..plz imagine 0key.walking fr0m d z0ne(0ur apartment) t0 klcc..wif f0rmal black sh0es,black slack,shirt.hahaha i feel pr0fessi0nal!hehe perasan!chupp!u kn0w is unc0untable h0w many pers0n w0re alm0st d same design 0f shirt like mine...haha!its stripe black n white..but anyway..i still l0ok c0ol&elegant..hahaha!

there ar 30 0f us!11 l0cals n 19 f0reigners..very friendly n they kn0w a l0t..0f anything!really nice kn0wing ALL 0f them!n n0ne 0f them dat actually i'm cl0se wif b4 dis..haha star f0r me!i'm actually kind 0f girl dat very very depend 0n parents..n0t g0od rite..'manja' la.s0 dis pr0gram really teach me t0 be independent!everything have t0 be d0ne 0n myself!'s's 0key..jia yu!

d 'r0ad' in d ptr0sains are very very very c0nfusing!haha s0 we have 2 create 0ur 0wn keyw0rd 4 d stati0ns dat we reach..t0 find d r0oms,t0ilet,n 'pak guard' stati0n.hehe =P n t0day..there was a V0lunteer Appreciati0n was kind 0f family day f0r all ptr0sains's v0lunteers.huhuhu!they have a l0t 0f fun!they running here n there..jumping..dancing.n at d end 0f d day..they have perf0rmance n it's  c0mpetiti0n!huhu there were awards f0r :bes dress--queen&king:bes her0&her0in:bes gangsters(haha i d0n't kn0w d exact award).great!!!

0key..talking b0ut wut i've d0ne t0day..hehe 0pen cerem0ny fr0m 0ur hands0me+smart+c0ol pr0ject manager:
mr.jami!:hehe he's single..wawawwawa =P!he's a superb american guy..he kn0ws a l0t b0ut science!jes ask anything!he will explain t0 u crystal clear..wif simple w0rds n terms.0ur c0ordinat0r..:mr faiz:miss ain:..they are very kind,warm n rich wif smiles!!i l0ve t0 hear miss ain's v0ice..cute =D.0key then a talk fr0m d b0s HSE j0han.hahahhaha f0r th0se UTPian wh0 are reading my bl0g..u might laugh at me rite.wut HSE again??!haha!pr0udly 2 st0ry here..hehe i answered perfectly d steps f0r handling d fire extinguisher..PASS,why we have always keep d d0or cl0se..haha =P.hehe f0r respective n0t UTPian viewer..actually,i've jes finished my final exam paper f0r hse..hehe s0 d t0pics f0r d lecture c0vers ab0ut fire.

6 pm..went back t0 d z0ne..huhu in d m0rning yaa..l0oks pr0fessi0nal wif d sh0es..haha but at d evening after a 9am-6pm sessi0n?=P..t0m0rr0w i want t0 bring slipars..change b4 d walking back 2 d z0ne.hehe.