Hehe t0day n0 elegant f0rmal shirt..it’s green t0day!!yeah green striking t-shirt..hehe we were like a family 0f shrek!haha said 0ne 0f my fren :syifa: =D.but I think green is alrite..cheer!but still black slack+black c0vered sh0es…wawawa bef0re went back t0 the d z0ne..i changed t0 slipar..=P
Weee~~ a l0t 0f fun t0day!!!fes assignment in the m0rning wif 0ur l0vely :miss Suya: t0ur ar0und ptr0sains again!but t0day we g0t assignmnent..huhu n0t dat t0ugh as wut 0ur lctrer gave..haha.we have t0 ch0ose 3 stati0n in d ptr0sains and answer several questi0ns.yupp it’s exciting!but g0t n0t en0ugh time t0 expl0re th0se facts and minish0ws..huhuhu yaa we 0nly hav 2 h0urs!it’s 0key..we’re g0ing t0 spend an0ther 2 weeks here =D
Then..a sessi0n wif hands0me+smart+c0ol American guy.guess wh0!yeah :mr jami:!!!hehe =D we hav 2 create 0ur 0wn science minish0w.jes a simple 0ne!every gr0up came 0ut wif interesting&different minish0w.haha g0od bc0z I f0rg0t a l0t 0f dat simple basic science thing.hehehe =P.n u kn0w wut..everyb0dy..they really appreciate wuteva we presented..especially :mr jami: and all the staffs wh0 j0ined dat sessi0n.n n0t t0 f0rget..d participants!!!!f0r me..it’s really c0ol..giv us m0tivati0n.=D
New her0 0f the day :mr Daniel: =) he asked us t0 d0 s0mething wit0ut talking!there will be a penalty if we talk!..build a structure dat can fit 0ne 0f the gr0up members..hehe n0t using straws guys..=P we used r0ll 0f papers n masking tape.we hav t0 use all 30 r0lls!hahahhaa l0t 0f designs..n 0ur gr0up design..hihihi later I sh0w u d pic 0key!nway..we n0t w0n..(hahaha p0sitive way t0 say we l0st).0ur masking tape finished!n we still n0t finished d0 d base 0f it!uwaaaaaaa =(.hehe nway..we learnt dat c0mmunicati0n is very imp0rtant n 0f c0urse..gud teamw0rk..!thanx :mr Daniel:!
N d las pr0gram 0f d day..d 0ne wh0 rich wif smile:mr faiz: asked us t0 create a pr0duct if in case 0ur c0untry 0ut 0f energy!!!yupp!I learnt a l0t fr0m d seni0rs in d gr0up.they kn0w a l0t 0f thing,creative!!yaa…d great p0int I grab t0day…d0 a l0t 0f reading starting fr0m n0w melissa!!!!!
Hehehe thanks a l0t f0r view my bl0g..h0pe u learn s0mething as wut I’ve learnt f0r d day.hehehe smile!!!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
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Hi! huhu ur page seem cool
i the fan number1 :)
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