Sunday, June 22, 2008

4th day!!!week..?2nd la!!hehe

bf0re went t0 p0lice stati0n t0 l0dge rp0rt f0r d l0st..hehe I attend d sessi0n wif :mrs jin: in envir0nment awareness sessi0n.we were given a white t-shirt 0ne each..n we hav t0 dsign anything t0 pr0m0te t0 d w0ld h0w we can save d Earth!

We can use water c0l0ur,c0tt0n marker pen,glitter..hehe felt like kindergarten kids!!my tshirt design is..fr0nt,,I wr0te kind 0f lyric..

Hey hey y0u y0u!
Save d earth my dear fren!
N0 way n0 way 0pen burning..rubbish everywhere!
Hey hey y0u y0u!
Lets stand t0gether!
Make d Earth SMILE n0t CRY

N at d back

N signature s0me 0f my frens..=D

Hehe there were 4 winners!

KK-there’s a w0rld map..bf0re d map is full n l0ok beautiful but after which will happen if we d Earth is n0t well care by d pe0ple..s0me 0f d part might disappeared.=(

Asma-a picture 0f Earth n s0me stick pictures 0f kids writer ‘we d0 n0t inherit d Earth fr0m d ancesst0r,we b0rr0w it fr0m d children’.very meaningful..i l0ve it!

Bibi-written ‘aku bukan pengkhianat alam sekitar’ meaning ‘I’m n0t a nature betrayer’.very 0utsp0ken!

Al-f0uti as d 0ne n 0nly guy!haha but I d0nt have chance t0 see his dsign as I went 0ut.

After lunch..we hav a sessi0n wif :mrs suya: Busking sessi0n.d0 u kn0w what is busking??a simple science minish0w especially f0r d kids,students.we hav t0 practice 0ur presentati0n skill,using good b0dy language n brief explainati0n wif suitable term.we were given tw0 stuffs..different f0r each gr0up.there were flags,t0y hand clapper,marbles,ball0ons,gl0w in d dark t0y,ISS n space ship m0del.

I really admired wif d gr0up wh0 busking b0ut mables n ball0ons.they explained n0t 0nly b0ut d materials but als0 in industry n c0nstructi0n applicati0n b0ut th0se stuffs.f0r example marbles,basically we 0nly th0ught it can 0nly be used f0r games..but actually d applicati0n which it can r0tate..we can applied it f0r shear.f0r example at sky d end 0f it,there are shear where t0 av0id d building crack if d bridge c0llide d building during d building sway bc0z 0f wind. they are really creative n alert n critical thinker even th0se stuffs lo0k very simple n easy. I sh0uld built th0se minded. thanks guys!!

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